The Nationinformation team carried out our second love police operation yesterday in the sunny city of Portsmouth. The video will be up on our youtube channel soon.
Our first encounter was very succesful, I am still amazed at the speed of reaction of private security (they said they were customer services but they carried SIA cards!!). The police were really cool and even backed us up against the security.
The next encounter was pretty similar apart from the use of the megaphone. The police and shopping centre management allowed us to carry on and stood about 20 metres away from us. When suddenly they walked over and requested under Section 50 of the police reform act our personal details. Now we had done quite a bit of study but mostly on the public order act so section 50 threw us a bit. We pushed it as far as we could go, to the point that one of the team was arrested and then de-arrested.
Having done a bit more research on section 50 it pretty much covers anything. Anyone could say anything was anti social and the police can request your details or arrest you! Having looked back on the situation we are pretty sure they didn't know how to deal with us so they contacted the station to find out how to get us!!
We really weren't prepared for Section 50 as we haven't seen any other encounter where it has been used (nearly always section 5). More research required, but this is a learning process and it's a good bit of fun to!
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